My Birthday Snippet :)


That is me. October’s Very Own (thanks Drake)

Had my STAR**Golden Birthday. Turned 23 on the 23rd! Once in a lifetime deal right there folks! AND it was absolutely amazing. 90% due to my incredible husband and the other to all my family & friends who wished me a happy day.

I woke up to this:

No joke I was completely surprised. I actually woke up a tid bid earlier than normal to go on a little morning jog and so my eyes were still adjusting when I saw this. I was smiling and was not expecting what I saw next…


YUP! My own red carpet THEN:


Then to top it off:



I teared up. Not even kidding. Yeah I don’t care I am a hopeless romantic and love to be showered with love. Make me feel special like this and I have a smile on my face the whole entire day, rain or shine. AND there was rain so that theory was tested. (I still smiled 🙂 )

BEST star birthday a girl could wish for!? YES but it didn’t end there. He took me to lunch. Then took me to get my nails done after work. Then dinner with his parents up in the suite at Rio Tinto Stadium

I was spoiled. AND I loved it. I also got a cute surprise when I went to get in my car to go to work, from my little love bug sister:

I felt cool.

P.S. It was also my Papa’s birthday. YUP I am a lucky lady and get to share this splendid day with my amazing father, who doesn’t really celebrate the day for himself anymore. BUT he does send me a card every year that will bring on the tears every time. It’s a gift he has. He tells me I am the best birthday present he was ever given…and so on 🙂 Between his card, my mom and my sister’s birthday cards to me, one would think I am an emotional nutcase. NOPE I am not (I don’t think so at least) but I found the people that love you the most know how to tug at those heart strings the best 🙂 …

This excellent night ended with the movie “The Perks of being a Wallflower”. This is the infamous quote from the movie:

I saw this on Emma Watson’s twitter. It is a pretty cool tat.

I really liked the movie. Had some interesting story lines going on but I found it to be really well made with some pretty good actors/actresses. It is definitely a certain crowd kind of movie, my husband was getting squirmy like an hour into it because it didn’t appeal to him. BUT it eventually caught his interest again near the end. I would say it was worth the time 🙂

ALL in all this 23 year old girl is a happy sunbeam shining her happy bum all the way to St. George today to celebrate yet again with my family. (I like to make birthdays into birthWEEKS 🙂 that’s what OVO’s do haha)

This man knows how to make me the happiest wifey and girl ever. Love you babe. Thank you for being so amazing to me. xoxo

Keep changing my location but I am HERE to stay my friends.

OKAY so it took me awhile but I finally got Ty to get me this website. I haven’t got it perfected on the design scheme yet BUT….it will get there. It is like my craft projects. I start it and then take 2 weeks to fully finish it. It is super annoying but once I have finished I have a sense of accomplishment. Plus finishing craft projects all in one day seems like a joke….near impossible. For me at least. ANY who if you want to see what we have been up to for the last year and a half of our marriage (and prior) check here and here 🙂


So since Ty has become a cool hipster blogger himself (go check the swell fellow’s page out here), this is my page. But let’s be real. My page = our page in every wife’s blog. It’ll be a great combo.

I decided to call it Nicole’s snippets because I started calling my blog posts on the previous blog, Sunday snippets (snip·pet : A small piece or brief extract) because I found it easier to update my blog on Sundays and since I only really give you a small look into our extremely exciting life, it is my snippets 🙂 BAM. P.S. I started this post on a Sunday AND it is now a Thursday…wow.

Snippets from the past 2 weeks.

  • Halloween crafts which husby helped out with (sometimes he gets more into it than I do)
  • Watching my cousin’s adorable little boy, Luke, while his parentals went to the BYU game. And surprising to my cousin, I told her, as long as my kids turn out as amusing and cute as that little guy, I will want kids. Guess Luke didn’t do his job right?
  • Birthday party for two friends. Played the game “couches”. Always a good time.
  • Went to another birthday party for the cutest 3 year old I know. My best friend’s boyfriend’s little boy, Konner. He wasn’t liking all the birthday attention, UNTIL he could open up his presents. Hey, they say “it’s your party you can cry if you want to.” Can’t say it if you don’t mean it.
  • Ate at the Pie. OH my LANTA. Worth every greasy, hard to work off calorie. Every. Time.
  • Tyler became 2nd Counselor in the Elder’s Quorum in our ward. SO I now teach 6-8, 5-year olds every Sunday. ALONE. I am  hastily learning patience.
  • My birthday (another post on that 🙂 )