{-October’s Very Own-}

That is me 🙂 {OVO}

The wonderful month of October has begun. Not only is it my BIRTH month…but it is the most exquisite month for weather. I LOVE fall. I love the leaves changing colors. I love the crisp cool nights. I love random RAIN storms (not snow) I love the smells. Pumpkin cookies, hot cocoa, fires, baked goods. That is what October means to me.

I love that I get to have this month for my birth month. So life has changed since I last posted.

Ty is a busy man. He is juggling a lot on his plate. Working the 8-5 then doing coding class Tuesday-Thursday nights {and Saturday morning}. He got a great job with a company called Tute Genomics. Working as a Director of Business Development. Then he started the company Dev Mountain with a few guys {http://devmounta.in} and since it is a school where they teach you how to code/program websites etc. Ty wanted to be involved but also take the course so he could program himself. SO basically I get my husband Monday nights and partial weekends. Rough life. But that is the life of an entrepreneur wife. Sorry for rhyming 🙂

I have learned to pass my time with crafts, cleaning, extra gym sessions or longer ones, and working longer. Plus I am enjoying my wonderful October.

I do love October but I think this is going to also be a hard month for my family. My aunt Linda was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March and has made a turn for the worse this past week. Sadly, I think this will be the month she leaves us. I have seen how hard it is on her own kids and husband but also her sisters. My mom has had a very rough time with it. Many tears of sadness and frustration have been shed. I haven’t lost any immediate family yet so this will be the first. Both grandparents are alive and no one else has passed that I can recall {age 4 – great grandpa doesn’t count since I don’t REALLY remember it or him}. She has a Legs for Linda run coming up on the 26th, she is now not expected to be able to attend. I know everyone is given different trials in this life, I hope she is sent straight to heaven for having to endure cancer twice, two different types.

All in all, I am ready for the next month. Mostly because everyday I am feeling very grateful for so many different things and I love that there is a holiday to help us remember that feeling. Next post will be a post of gratitude 😉

Life lately:

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[p.s. totally stole that amazing quote from a girl’s insta post. OH and that amazing fall road pic. swiped. haha]

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