mommy life: I have a 6 month old…say WHAT?

wow. I am completely baffled at how I all of a sudden have a 6 month old  <insert shocked emoticon here>


time has flown and somedays it was hard and long…but now looking back I feel like where and how did she become so big already? she is the best thing to wake up to in the morning. ALL smiles and chitty chat bug. I love it. I think she got her “morning person” from me. I am more of a morning person {not that I can’t handle nights but I say sleep when its dark ya know? haha}

as of today she is sitting up on her own. ROLLING over. babbling in the mirror to herself. saying “da da” “ga ga” “ya ya”. playing with her cute chubby toes all the time. big time thrill seeker — she laughs when you scare her with big boo’s and loud noises. still a nursing champ and only tolerates trying that “food” stuff. still drooling like a fool. those teeth gotta be coming in hot sometime soon…and she now has her ears pierced 🙂 that was our mommy daughter date.

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can’t even begin to imagine life without her. she brightens our days with her sweet smile and sparkly eyes. {sounds gay but I say they sparkle so judge me. I’m her adoring mom :)} looking forward to each new stage. wish me luck. this week I attempt traveling to grandma’s with just her & I (AND my cute little nephew Nicholas — practicing for when I enter the new world of MULTIPLE kids….whoa too fast) Updates later on that adventure 🙂

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>>update: WHOA so not ready for multiple kids. It was a fun adventure but in NO way is this mama ready for another. not now at least. good practice but I will just keep it at that. Although Avyn found Nicholas hilarious {Nicholas decided to splash crazy like in the tub and little miss encourager laughed hysterically so it kept it going…which was funny. Grandma had fun with that watery mess} the drive down was pretty good. Nicholas kept her entertained. Nicholas cracked me up cuz at 4am he said “hello?? hello?” so I told him to go back to bed… then at 6:30am I hear “HELLO? Is it time to wake up?” haha so I obliged. let him go chase “yoona” around 🙂 crawl through her doggie door and run around like a crazy little boy. good times. then mom & I ran 12 miles while papa played gpapa.

>> NEXT post. CALIfornia with the babe 🙂

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