{Life Lately}

A week spent at our Corporate Business Summit. Snowmobiling. Segways. Meetings galore. Super fun week.

Monster truck rally with friends. Which was alarmingly loud. (Ty can’t handle that loud of noises) Followed with some Buffalo Wild Wings. Jazz game. Fun times with all our friends.

I need to take more pics. I am realizing this now.

Our Weekend

I am starting this month off with a grateful post:

  • Tyler. I can always count on him for a smile no matter the time or place. He is so hardworking and dedicated. He is very talented and keeps me feeling silly & young 🙂
  • Amazing family, both Tyler and mine.
  • Incredible friends who we love being able to have fun and laugh with.
  • Healthy and {mostly} functional body
  • To be capable of working and for Tyler getting an education
  • All our awesome opportunities and talents we are given
  • The gospel and Jesus Christ’s example of selfless & unconditional love & sacrifice.
  • My future

{Pics from the UVEF Event honoring the Osmonds (George & Olive Osmond). Sushi with friends. Provo Beach Resort surf, bowl & games with Jeff & Victoria. Ty and I being us.}