4 years. cuatro años.

4 years of marriage with this man

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Had our first married adventures in Knoxville {and on the way there & back}

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Came back to Utah. Worked hard. Played hard. Ty got himself graduated.

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We decided to increase the love and make a baby to share it with 🙂

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Had our sweet little girl, Avyn. Ty started his job(s). We bought our first house. Life got crazy, fun & busy.



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Seriously. There is no one that could actually tell you what marriage REALLY takes because everyone’s marriage is different, fundamentally you all need the same things but our experiences together are not ever going to be exactly what other people go through and how they handle them will be different too. It’s had its hard days, its life changing lessons, days where my heart feels so full I can’t help but look out into the world smiling and feel so grateful for what I have been given. I love him more now than I did 4 years ago. Even 6 years ago when I first met him. We have both changed for the better, he is still my silly, fun loving Ty but he has grown as a man. I know I have changed — hopefully for the better 🙂

It’s a new kind of love each phase of life we go through. Dating was that fresh, new love. Marriage was that tunnel vision, crazy intense, happy newlywed love. Today I love seeing him as my baby daddy. I love seeing him work hard and be successful. I love having goals and hopes for our future life with our kids and also after kids. I can’t imagine this journey of marriage and life with anyone else. Eternity will be incredible with you Tyler Jordan. I love you always & forever.


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It’s Been A Minute…

Well looks like I slack again. I haven’t posted since FEBRUARY. A LOT has happened since then.


 Scott had a 4 generation Gibson photo taken with Grandpa Raymond, Robert, Scott & Nicholas…and Grandma 🙂

Valentines day with my hubs is the best. I can always count on that one day a year to be waited on. He makes me dinner and makes it ONE of the best days of the year {next to our Anniversary & my birthday :)} This year he went with authentic mexican tacos. Flowered me with love and gifts. I did the 14 days of Valentines for him. It was fun. And he gave me one of the sweetest notes. I love his homemade cards more than any Hallmark card out there. Short and very sweet.

Went to St. George. Twice or more? Who is counting? First was to get our bikes. Bike rides in STG in the spring are seriously the most divine things next to those sugar cookies I live to eat when I am down there 🙂 and also for Ty’s mission reunion. It is fun to listen to all his old companions and mission friends reminisce. Tried us some swig. I don’t drink pop but BOY I “swigged” that Dirty DP down like it was my job 😉

Fun times with friends is always a must. Matt & Lex. Devin. The Heatons.

We even had our first Cabella’s trip with Papa. Ty was pretty amused. It was lots of fun.

Next STG trip was for Macklemore & Ryan Lewis concert!!! Which was absolutely amazing. Like no joke. I had my hair in people’s mouths, sweaty armpits and who knows where else….all so I could be in the front section to get some epic pics. Mission accomplished. Never doing that again. Nast. BUT the next day we went to Vegas for some fun. Shopping, sun, tourist walkabouts. Gotta love Vegas….gambling? no we didn’t do that 😉

Weddings. Cousin’s baseball games. Ty using our ottoman & couch cushions to form a chair to be the dealer of our late night black jack games.

Holding Kacee & Sam’s new baby, Hayes.

Celebrating 2 years with the man that brings me the most smiles, laughs and love I could ever imagine. Best 2 years of my life and many more to come. He seriously is my best friend who I can get annoyed of but never want to get rid of. Best decision I ever made. AND he surprised me with Paramore tickets. I nearly cried. {Then Hayley got sick and cancelled the concert…but it was the thought that counts AND the fact that if they come back we will go 🙂 }

Ty graduated! He is no longer a college student. A BYU Business Management Graduate. How proud I am of him. He really is a talented lad. Taught himself a lot of things to better himself with his web design. His artistic brain will always amaze me and top it with his dedication to something. It is impressive. I wish I had his artistic eye for things.

THEN I did the “unbelievable” I cut 10 inches off of my hair. Oh boy! And it was kind of a surprise to Ty. But after the initial shock, he ended up liking it. I gave it to Locks for Love. Plus it was time for a little change 🙂

Another Vegas trip with Matt & Lex. We saw the show Kà in Vegas. AMAZING. It was seriously the best stage and acrobatic insanity I have seen thus far in my life. We also went to the show called the Mentalist. That gave our brains a workout the rest of the night. We explored places I have never seen in Vegas. Lots of fun.

Brought Rookie to STG with us for Mother’s Day and to help mama with her Spokes for Hope race. We made her breakfast and promised her a family photo shoot once Lindsey, Scott & Nicholas were back in Utah. It was also fun having mom attend church with us 🙂

Spent time with the hubs and took Rissa on the hike to the Y. Man my legs hurt for days after.

That about sums up the snippets of our life this last few months. I know I will slack again but I hope I can keep up so I can at least put a little more detail into these snippets 🙂